Online, On-Demand Continuing Education Courses

Michigan State University School of Social Work seeks to be as accessible as possible. You can now receive social work continuing education credit at your leisure—when it's convenient for you! Save travel time and cost.

On December 22, 2016, R 338.2963 was promulgated stating one half of the required continuing education contact hours must be completed in person using live, synchronous contact. The remaining continuing education contact hours may be completed in any other approved format. Since the rules were promulgated mid-license cycle, enforcement of the new continuing education requirements will begin with those renewing in 2020. Prior to 2020, only one hour in person is required and a maximum of ten (10) hours can be earned in online programs.

If you live outside of Michigan, check with your state's social work regulatory body. For more information, please see the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Director's Office Social Work General Rules. (R 338. 2963)

Michigan State University School of Social Work, an accredited social work education program, is authorized by the Michigan Licensure Law Administrative Rule 338.2965 to award Michigan social work continuing education contact hours. We are also an approved Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative Provider (provider #0001) for all programs through August 2022, renewed annually.

To view current courses offered, please visit our Course Catalog under topic of interest, Online Courses.