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The Graduate Office will begin accepting School of Social Work Scholarship applications beginning February 2, with a deadline of March 29. Newly admitted and students returning to the MSW program are encouraged to apply. Please see the application here.

Scholarships are made possible through special endowments to the School of Social Work such as:

  • Gordon & Gladys Aldridge Memorial Fellowship
  • Dr. Mary Bremer Barron Scholarship
  • Future Leaders Endowed Scholarship in SW
  • Richard D. Gardner Memorial Scholarship
  • Henry-Lane Scholarship
  • Robert Little Scholarship
  • Janet Sisson Tift Scholarship
  • Marcella Gast Schalon Scholarship
  • Cheryl and William Sickle Scholarship

As part of the application, you will be asked to write 500 to 750 words to describe your current area of interest, your professional goals and what you hope to contribute to the field, what experiences have contributed to date in your achievement of those goals and how a scholarship would contribute to your success in the program.

Scholarships are awarded based on a combination of the following criteria:

  • Clear professional goals and promise for future contributions to the field
  • Area of interest (e.g., substance abuse, child welfare, kinship care, aging, etc.)
  • Academic achievement/Volunteer experience/Community involvement
  • Financial need

If you have questions, please contact Dr. Takisha LaShore at or see the application at SSW ScholarshipsCompleted scholarship applications for the upcoming academic year are due March 29. Notifications about awards will be made in late May.  Scholarships will be awarded beginning in the Fall semester.