Online Child Welfare Courses

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200-18: Trauma-informed Caregiving (Part 2): Understanding Neurodevelopment and the Stress Response System
Begin this course
This training will explore in more depth how trauma can alter development and examine emotional and behavioral differences that may result.

204-18: Trauma-informed Caregiving (Part 3): Practical Parenting Strategies
Begin this course
Building on previous trainings of how to become a trauma-informed parent and the understanding of neurodevelopment and the development of the stress response system, part 3 will focus on specific parenting strategies for caring for children with trauma histories.

208-18: Support Services for Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Children & Families
Begin this course
In this training, you will examine multiple risk factors that impact transgender youth from a solution-focused lens, including attempted suicide rate (40 percent), homelessness, school bullying and harassment, and hate crimes.

213-19: Doing the Difficult Work (Part 1): How to Develop Effective Relationships with Birth Families
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Experienced foster parents will discuss the realities of parenting children not living with their birth families. Learn approaches that help you establish relationships with birth families that are designed to help you and your children maintain healthy connections with birth parents. Learn about cultural humility and how to view birth families through a cultural lens.

214-19: Doing the Difficult Work (Part 2): How to Develop Effective Relationships with Birth Families
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Join experienced foster/adoptive parents who will discuss the realities of working with natural parents inside and outside of the foster care system. They will share strategies to enhance parenting partnerships that work for stability and permanency for children. Learn tips to manage these sometimes difficult and delicate relationships.

217-18: Locating the Past & Building the Future
Begin this course
This webinar will address how to help children through the process of birth family search and relationship building with biological family members.

218-19: When Behaviors Prevent School Success: Advocating for Your Child with Emotional or Behavior Problems
Begin this course
This webinar will introduce caregivers to the purpose of school Behavior Intervention Plans. It will teach them how to know when their child would benefit from a Behavior Intervention Plan and how to determine if the plan is appropriate and effective. Caregivers will learn to advocate for their child’s emotional and behavioral needs to be supported in school, preventing suspensions, expulsions, and school failure.

224-19: Rearing Resilience: Strategies for Parenting Children with Attachment Trauma (Part 1: Trauma and the Brain)
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In the first webinar in the series, Trauma and the Brain, caregivers will learn the basics of attachment trauma and its impact on brain development. We will explore the most common symptoms of attachment trauma and how they manifest behaviorally in ways that can be very triggering and scary for caregivers. Caregivers will learn why and how attachment trauma influences every moment of a child’s life, including their decisions and reactions. Beginning skill level.

226-19: Rearing Resilience: Strategies for Parenting Children with Attachment Trauma (Part 2: Creating Connections)
Begin this course
The second webinar in the series, Creating Connections, will focus on strategies caregivers can use to meaningfully connect with their children in ways that feel safe for a traumatized child. Questions regarding why at times it is difficult for these children to form connections will be answered. We will explore how to use these strategies during a crisis or meltdown. Caregivers will learn the importance of play to strengthen the parent-child bond. Beginning skill level.

228-19: Rearing Resilience: Strategies for Parenting Children with Attachment Trauma (Part 3: Solutions to Challenging Behavior)
Begin this course
The last webinar in the series, Solutions to Challenging Behavior, will focus on specific strategies that can influence challenging behavior in helpful ways rather than the more traditional parenting methods that oftentimes do not work and can be harmful to a child with attachment trauma. We will focus on designing and implementing a home with both high structure and high nurture. The webinar will explain in detail what it means to set limits and boundaries and how to do so. We will discuss how to use consequences that have the ability to teach children instead of simply punishing. Beginning skill level.

336: Caregiver- Advocating for My Child in the School System
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This online training will help foster, adoptive, and kinship parents understand how to best advocate for their children around common issues in the school system.

354: Caregiver- Understanding the Role of Life Books for Youth in Care
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Find out why life books are so important for children from the child welfare system and learn tips to help children complete a life book.

372: Trauma-Informed Caregiving (Part 1) Becoming Trauma Informed Parents
Begin this course
This training will explore why different techniques are needed when working with foster, kinship, and adoptive parents and what skills you can use to provide compassionate care that support the needs for safety and love in our vulnerable children.

381: Intergenerational Trauma & Our Work with Birth Parents: Understanding the Bridge to Success
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This online training will discuss the need for screening for adult trauma exposure, explain the patterns of intergenerational trauma, explore how this affects parenting and life management, and develop ways for professions to create safety and stability for their clients and their families.

Children & Families

200-19: The Matter of Motivation
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This webinar will take an in-depth look into human motivation.

201-19: Big Behavior & Trauma: Similarities, Differences, and Strategies for Working with Traumatized Youth
Begin this course
In Michigan, over 28% of children under the age of 17 have experienced two or more adverse childhood experiences, well above the national average. Adverse childhood experiences include verbal, psychological, physical, or sexual abuse (witness or victim), among other somewhat complex traumatic events (ACES Study, 2011). These traumatic experiences can greatly affect how children view and cope with life. Complexly traumatized children often behave in ways that seem random, unpredictable, withdrawn and extreme, struggling with impulse control and being able to think through consequences (NCTSN, 2017). Research and practice are now opening our eyes to the significant relationship between behavior and trauma exposure. In this webinar, you will learn about common similarities and differences between typical developmental behaviors and trauma behavior as well as the interrelatedness of each. You will receive strategies for working with youth who are exhibiting big behavior due to trauma exposure. In addition, you will receive tips and resources for further education and tools available to families. This webinar will utilize visual displays, incorporate participant feedback, and allow time for questions and answers. Recommended for LMSW beginning skill level.

202-19: Making Trauma-Informed Placement Decisions
Begin this course
In this webinar, you will learn how trauma affects children’s placements and how child welfare professionals can make placement decisions that are trauma informed. This webinar will explore the effects of multiple placements on children in foster care and strategies for how child welfare professionals can support children in their current placements and prevent replacements. This webinar will utilize visual displays, incorporate participant feedback, and allow time for questions and answers. Recommended for LMSW beginning skill level.

203-18: “Who Am I?” Fostering Identity Development With Foster and Adopted Youth
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This training will explore how lived experiences and losses inherent in foster care/adoption often create ambiguity and uncertainty leading to grief, loss of self-esteem, and personal challenges.

203-19: Stress & Burnout in Foster Families
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This webinar will focus on the emotional challenges of foster parenting and the resulting stress and burnout. In this webinar, you will learn about the realities of how stress, burnout, trauma, loss, and grief can affect the entire family. You will also learn strategies designed to best support foster parents and address the stress that comes with this time of loss. This webinar will utilize visual displays, incorporate participant feedback, and allow time for questions and answers. Recommended for LMSW beginning skill level.

204-19: Mindfulness, Wellness, and Creative Self-care for Helping Professionals
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This webinar seeks to prepare you to understand secondary traumatic stress exposure in the workplace, the conditions that may expose helping professionals to secondary traumatic stress, and allow you the space to assess your exposure to workplace conditions that may impact your mental health, wellness, and self-care practices with mindful awareness. You will be able to identify supports and resources to improve your holistic functioning as well as utilize self-assessment tools for reflection. This webinar seeks to impact the awareness of and need for stress management and focus on self-care. The practice of mindfulness will be explored as a tool to increase the helping professional’s awareness and peace during time of stress. This webinar will utilize visual displays and allow time for questions and answers. Recommended for LMSW beginning and intermediate skill levels.

205-19: Advocating for Homeless Youth
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In this webinar you will learn what factors increase a young person’s risk of becoming homeless and who qualifies as “homeless” under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. The instructor will share data about the needs of the youth that Ozone House serves and strategies Ozone has used to meet those needs. You will practice strategies for advocacy under McKinney-Vento through the use of hypothetical scenarios. This webinar will utilize visual displays, incorporate participant feedback, and allow time for questions and answers. Recommended for LMSW beginning skill level.

209-18: A Guide to Caring for Muslim Children in Foster Care
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This training serves as a brief guide for non-Muslim foster parents to better understand the diverse identity, religion, and culture of Muslim children as it pertains to caring for them.

212-18: Engaging Older Youth in Permanency Planning: To be Adopted or Not to be Adopted?
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In this webinar, you will learn to engage older youth in foster care who may be resistant to or have mixed feelings about permanency.

213-18: Ending Zero Tolerance: What Child Welfare Workers Should Know
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This webinar will explore the history and impacts of the zero tolerance policies in K-12 in Michigan, prevention programs, interventions, and the implications of the new law.

215-19: Beyond “No Means No”: Teaching Families About Body Safety and Consent
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It is never too early to teach children and teens about body safety and consent as a tool to prevent sexual abuse/assault. This webinar will teach you techniques to talk to families about body safety (appropriate and inappropriate touching, names for body parts, boundaries). Sexual abuse is prevalent with one in 10 children experiencing sexual abuse before the age of 18— let’s work together to reduce this number. Normal sexual development will also be discussed. This webinar will utilize visual displays, incorporate participant feedback, and allow time for questions and answers. Sill level: Beginning

220-18: Challenges in School (Part 1): Barriers for Children in Foster Care
Begin this course
This webinar will focus on the many challenges that foster children face while enrolled in school.

220-19: When They Are All Survivors: Child Maltreatment in the Context of Domestic Violence
Begin this course
Domestic violence and child maltreatment often co-occur within families and can increase the overall risk to children’s well-being. Despite this fact, many professionals are not trained in how best to respond when domestic violence and child maltreatment co-occur. This webinar will discuss best practices to serve these families, including how to effectively collaborate with other social service agencies in which these families are involved. This webinar will utilize visual displays, incorporate participant feedback, and allow time for questions and answers. Beginning and intermediate skill level

221-18: Challenges in School (Part 2): Strategies for Success
Begin this course
This webinar will focus on how to best address the many challenges that children in foster care face while in school.

221-19: Understanding Transracial Adoption
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In this webinar you will be introduced to transracial adoption and the experiences and needs of families formed through transracial adoption. You will gain tools and insight to better evaluate and support pre-adoptive and adoptive families in transracial adoption, so as to provide effective, sensitive, adoption and race-competent services. This webinar will utilize visual displays, incorporate participant feedback, and allow time for questions and answers. Beginning skill level.

223-19: Beauty and the Beast: Understanding Transitional Planning When Working with Youth in Residential
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In this webinar, you will learn how to develop a cohesive transitional plan for youth and adolescents residing in a residential treatment facility. The importance of creating a mindful plan can help reduce anxiety and other stressors for clients during this process. During this webinar, we will discuss how to prepare, plan, and execute the transitioning period for success. This webinar will utilize visual displays, incorporate participant feedback, and allow time for questions and answers. Beginning skill level.

225-19: Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders: What Every Care Provider Must Know
Begin this course
This webinar will assist you in the understanding, identification, and treatment for women who experience perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMAD). You will learn to effectively and holistically support and assist the affected mother and her family toward wellness. This webinar will utilize visual displays and allow time for questions and answers. Intermediate skill level.

227-19: Special Education: Considerations for Child Welfare
Begin this course
This webinar will explore the unique circumstances children in foster care face in the educational system. Specifically, this webinar will explore the process, ramifications, and prevalence of children in foster care who quality for special education as well as alternative supports. This webinar will utilize visual displays, incorporate participant feedback, and allow time for questions and answers. Beginning and intermediate skill levels.

230-19: Understanding Children’s Grief
Begin this course
In this webinar, you will learn about the tasks of grief and explore the various ways grief can be experienced by children and teens. This webinar will also include discussion on how children’s grief is different than that of an adult. Various factors that impact children and teen grief experiences will be discussed as well as characteristics observed in children and teens based on their developmental level. This webinar will utilize visual displays, incorporate participant feedback, and allow time for questions and answers. Beginning and intermediate skill levels.

310: Finding & Utilizing Services for Adoptive Families
Begin this course
The focus of this training will be assessing for appropriate client-specific services as well as identification of adoption sensitive services.

315: Children of Parents with Mental Illness
Begin this course
Learn how social workers and other professionals can better recognize and attend to the needs and strengths of children and their family members of children of parents who have mental health concerns.

322: Parent-Child Attachment Relationships & the Effects of Attachment Disruption
Begin this course
In this training, explore the relationship between attachment and emotional/behavioral regulation, and how positive attachment relationships can help serve as a mediating factor during unfavorable life events.

325: Working with Immigrant Children & Their Families
Begin this course
This online training will give a general overview of the U.S. Immigration system and highlight the ways in which interactions with family service and child protection systems create both opportunities and dangers for immigrant families and social work professionals.

327: The Power of Peer Support for Foster & Adoptive Families
Begin this course
This online training will cover how to incorporate various parent to parent/ peer support program models into your own agency, as well as explore existing parent-lead programs in Michigan and how they can benefit foster and adoptive families.

328: Creating Safety for Children
Begin this course
This online training will equip child welfare professionals with a framework for understanding psychological safety and explore strategies for helping caregivers increase psychological safety for children in their homes.

337: Supporting & Strengthening Early Relationships for Children in the Child Welfare System
Begin this course
In this training, you will learn infant mental health strategies and principles that can improve relationships between primary caregivers and young children , and you will increase your understanding of how to support the social and emotional development of young children, particularly those in the child welfare system.

340: Positive Parenting with Very Young Children
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This online training will focus on ways to positively manage behaviors in children aged 2-6, and explore strategies for professionals to help caregivers with challenging behaviors.

341: Transitioning to success: Promoting college access and support for youth in foster care
Begin this course
This course gives professionals the opportunity to consider their role in supporting healthy transitions for young adults aging out of foster care, learn about resources available, and explore best practices for supporting youth toward success in higher education.

348: Improving Child Well-being through Parenting Partnerships:The Values of Birth Parent & Resource Family Teaming & Collaboration
Begin this course
Professionals will learn about shared parenting, setting appropriate boundaries, safety planning, teaming, and positive engagement between resource families and birth families within the context of child welfare, and their role as a child welfare worker in promoting positive parenting partnerships.

350: Never Too Old: Adoption as an Option for Older Youth
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This online training will provide an overview of the importance of permanency through adoption for older youth in foster care and introduce you to a variety of child specific recruitment opportunities to help find the right “forever family” for youth awaiting adoption.

352: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety in Children
Begin this course
The focus of this skill-based online training is the concepts, theory, principles and procedures appropriate to the assessment and effective cognitive-behavioral therapy for children with social anxiety disorder.

358: Through A Baby's Eyes: Foster Care, Parenting Time, & Transitions
Begin this course
Drawing upon the Infant Mental Health Strategies for Support and reflecting upon Erik Erikson’s States of Psychological Development, this training will explain simple steps to facilitate transition times so that young children can be supported as they go back and forth between foster parents and biological parents.

373: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder: What You Should Know
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This online training provides a basic understanding of the neurobehavioral profile of FASD, explores related cognitive and behavioral disorder symptoms, and gives strategies for success.

374: Involving Fathers to Create Functional Families
Begin this course
Explore attachment models and strategies that can potentially open doors for fathers by allowing an understanding of the interactional role they play within their family system.

376: Promoting Health & Wellness for Foster Youth
Begin this course
This online training will explore the unique experience of foster care youth, discuss the problems and needs of these youth, and strategize about building upon strengths, while developing and enhancing protective factors.

378: Teen Parents In Foster Care
Begin this course
This online training will summarize what we know about the rate of teenage pregnancy among this population, examine some of the factors that may explain why so many foster youth are becoming pregnant, and discuss prevention strategies.

382: Engagement, Readiness for Change, & Transition Planning
Begin this course
This online training will take an in-depth look at three important aspects of child welfare that often do not garner the level of attention they should: client engagement, readiness for change, and transition planning.

383: Youth Transitioning Out of Foster Care
Begin this course
This online training will describe what is currently being done to help prepare foster youth for the transition to adulthood and summarize what we know from research about foster youth outcomes.

384: Post Adoption Services: Assisting Adoptive Families to Avoid Disruption/Dissolution
Begin this course
The online training will help you to understand crisis as a normal, predictable part of the adoption process and how educating families around this can enable them to make a successful transition into becoming a stable family, thus avoiding the dissolution/disruption cycle.

385: The Welfare of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders & Their Families
Begin this course
This online training will provide information on the characteristics of autism spectrum disorders , what kind of support families may need upon learning of this diagnosis, and emphasize how to access systems of support in school and community mental health settings.

386: Understanding & Supporting Adoptive Families
Begin this course
Learn about resources designed for adoptive families, how to engage them in utilizing services, and gain tips for building successful working relationships with both adoptive families and youth.

387: Accessing Special Education Support for Children in Foster Care
Begin this course
This training will explore the process, ramifications, and prevalence of children in foster care who qualify for special education.

390: Honoring & Empowering Adolescents
Begin this course
Through a trauma-informed lens, learn about “normal” adolescent development, how to identify current issues teens face, and how trauma and environmental factors impact this developmental transition time.

392: Having the Tough Conversation About Race with Your Clients
Begin this course
This online training will assist and guide child welfare staff in having the challenging discussions about race and current events, with their clients.

398: Rethinking Retention: A More Holistic Approach to Supporting Foster Parents
Begin this course
This online training will dive into current research on the factors that promote or inhibit retention, and will propose a more holistic approach to supporting foster parents in their challenging role.


211-18: Integrating Mindfulness and Wellness for Stress Reduction
Begin this course
This training will address mindfulness as a stress reduction and professional self-care technique for professionals working in the child welfare setting.

222-19: Making the Case for Retention-Focused Management
Begin this course
Do you experience the frustration of losing staff just as they become fully trained and oriented to work on your team? Do you wish there was more that you could do to retain good staff? Join us for this one-hour webinar that looks at the supervisor’s role in retaining staff. Learn the philosophy that underpins the fundamentals of staff retention in child welfare and what you can do to be more intentional in your supervision. Get some tips on things that you can do to create an environment that focuses on retention of good staff. This training will utilize exercises, small and large group discussions, pre- and post-tests, and visual displays. Beginning and intermediate skill levels.

312: Suicide Assessment, Management and Intervention
Begin this course
This online training will cover detailed assessment protocol for suicide, discuss how to assess risk level, and provide an overview of ethical and legal frameworks for workers dealing with suicidal clients.

313: Safety Planning
Begin this course
In this online training , you will learn the value and effectiveness of safety planning as a tool used to minimize risks for clients.

314: Effective Courtroom Advocacy
Begin this course
This program will help empower workers to be more effective in courtroom procedures by providing a summary of do's and dont's for testifying in front of Michigan judges, and enabling workers to more effectively ensure that judges understand the workers' reasoning and recommendations.

329: The Kinship Conundrum ( & Ways to Address)
Begin this course
This online training will help social workers understand the lens through which kinship caregivers are viewing their experience, barriers they face, and how social workers can support these families.

349: Extending the Welcome Mat to Our Newest Americans
Begin this course
This online training will introduce professionals to the refugee population in the U.S. by explaining the process by which refugees come to the U.S., challenges they face as they resettle, the assets they bring, and the supports that can be put in place by agencies and schools to assist in their integration.

355: Indicators & Trends of Domestic Violence & Intervention Services
Begin this course
In this online training you will gain an overview of domestic violence and the corresponding best practice methods in supporting survivors of domestic violence.

356: Being the Voice for the Voiceless: Legislative Advocacy for Child Welfare Workers
Begin this course
During this online training you will learn about child welfare related bills being considered by legislators, their potential impact on the child welfare system, and best practices for contacting legislators/advocacy.

357: Building Safety with Youth Through Understanding SOGIE (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Expression)
Begin this course
You will learn SOGIE language and tips for how to identify rejecting environments for LGBTQ youth, how to promote LBGTQ health and safety, and what kind of services benefit this vulnerable community.

359: The Healing Breath: Practicing Meditation & Self-Care as a Child Welfare Professional
Begin this course
You will learn how to enhance your self-care tools, meditation techniques, and learn techniques you can use “on the job”.

362: Your Role in Making Medicaid Happen
Begin this course
This training will provide a basic overview of the federal Medicaid program to include the operation of optional and mandatory services—especially Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT)—and the function of the Medicaid State Plan in the provision of services.

700: The Crossroads of Child Welfare & Human Trafficking
Begin this course
This online training will focus on fundamental paradigms that inform work with exploited youth, as well as practical strategies for prevention, identification, and engagement in human trafficking services.

Substance Use

210-18: The Opioid Crisis in America: Identification and Treatment Strategies for Social Workers
Begin this course
This training will describe many of the mechanisms that facilitated the US's opioid epidemic, provide identification and assessment strategies for social workers, and cover evidence-based treatment options.

324: Detection & Diagnosis of Substance Use Conditions
Begin this course
This online training will provide basic understanding of detection and diagnosis of substance use conditions by addressing specific tools to identify alcohol, tobacco, and drug use.

346: When Addiction Trumps Relationships: Working with Mothers & Addiction
Begin this course
This training will present information on the scope of the problem of mothers with substance use disorders and the biological, emotional, and behavioral problems this can cause for children.

347: Working with Families Affected by Substance Abuse
Begin this course
This training will focus on ways workers can be prepared to work with families affected by substance abuse and provide additional available resources.

Supervision and Leadership

206-18: Youth Aging Out of Foster Care: Body-based Practices to Promote Post-Traumatic Growth
Begin this course
In this training, you will learn to differentiate cognitive and somatic interventions for helping young people in foster care to both cope with and transform difficult emotions stemming from traumatic stress.

218-18: Principles of Staff Engagement
Begin this course
This webinar will look at what we know about engaging staff in child welfare practice, including the role of the effective supervisor in managing the level of

323: Supervision in Child Welfare: Strategies to Engage & Support Workers
Begin this course
This training will teach (1) supportive engagement within a developmental framework, (2) mitigating the impact of secondary trauma and workplace stress, and (3) managing the impact of technology changes on worker engagement.

339: Leadership Principles of a Mobile Workforce
Begin this course
Learn about the impact of telecommuting on the supervisory experience, and how to create a foundation for supervision that supports staff development and staff retention.

702: "I Love My Job": Supervision as a Tool for Preventing Burnout & Vicarious Trauma with Workers
Begin this course
In this training, supervisors will gain an understanding of opportunities to build agency culture and supervisory support to mitigate harm and positively impact retention.


201-18: Connecting Brain and Behavior
Begin this course
This training will focus on atypical brain development resulting from exposure to prenatal teratogens and/or prenatal and early childhood chronic trauma and how this impacts behavior.

205-18: Why It’s Wrong to Assume Infants Are Resilient: Exploring the Effects of Trauma in Pregnancy and Infancy
Begin this course
This training will explore the nature of and effects of trauma in pregnancy and infancy. It will cover topics such as resiliency, infant development and mental health, attachment, and interventions specific to children who have been affected by trauma during pregnancy or as an infant.

206-19: Opportunity in Crisis: Managing Crises of Traumatized Youth
Begin this course
Most children involved with child welfare have experienced trauma. This webinar will explore how that trauma can create crisis for the children as well as their adult caregivers and child welfare workers. Participants will learn about the stages of crisis, effective intervention strategies, assessing need for emergency mental health evaluations, and safety planning. This webinar will utilize visual displays, incorporate participant feedback, and allow time for questions and answers.

214-18: The Impact of Racial Bias on Traumatized Clients in Child Welfare
Begin this course
In this training, you will review the historical and current traumatic effects of discrimination and oppression on the populations you serve while exploring your own personal values, beliefs, and cultural/racial/ethnic background and identity that impact your interaction with the families you serve.

215-18: Trauma & Substance Use
Begin this course
In this course, you will learn introductory skills on how to effectively define and identify trauma, as well as the biological process of addiction.

216-18: Supervision Strategies for Managing Secondary Trauma and Workplace Stress
Begin this course
This webinar will prepare supervisors to identify and assess signs of secondary trauma and other workplace stress as well as identify evidence-based strategies for intervening and supporting workers.

231-19: Trauma-Informed Foster Care
Begin this course
How do we assist the children who are placed in foster care and the foster parents who are charged with their safety and support? This webinar is designed to assist clinicians and other professionals who work with children in the foster care system in defining trauma-informed practices for this population. Parenting strategies for foster parents will be discussed as well as safety planning and support for children who have a history of problem sexual behaviors. This webinar will utilize visual displays, incorporate participant feedback, and allow time for questions and answers. Intermediate skill level.

311: Hope & Resilience: Moving Past Secondary Traumatic Stress in Child Welfare Practice
Begin this course
A range of risk and protective factors that impact child traumatic stress and secondary trauma will be explored within the context of coping strategies that foster resiliency in workers.

363: Mindfulness Tools to Combat Secondary Trauma & Build Well-being Among Child Welfare Professionals
Begin this course
This training will provide practical knowledge and mindfulness skills to both aid stress reduction and promote well-being in an effort to support optimal professional growth and practice.

365: Dissociative Coping in Traumatized Children
Begin this course
This online training will review the underlying risks leading to dissociative coping in children, discuss implications for assessing, and explore how to treat traumatized children.

371: Child Abuse & Neglect: The Signs, Symptoms, & Consequences
Begin this course
Participants of this training will gain a clear understanding and be able to identify the risk factors and the effects of abuse and neglect on children.

388: Psychological & Emotional Trauma in Children & Its Impact on Adoption/Foster Care & Family Development
Begin this course
Learn how early childhood experiences impact the course of natural child development and how professionals can be more effective in providing suitable social support for your clients.

397: Beyond Breathing: Tools for Teaching Relaxation in Trauma Work
Begin this course
This online training will identify the importance of relaxation for those who have experienced trauma and how to teach it to individuals across the lifespan.

399: Changing Outcomes Through Resiliency
Begin this course
In this training, explore the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study, how it’s findings promote resiliency, and examine practical interventions to change the outcomes of children and families with high amounts of trauma/ACEs scores.

701: Preventing Further Harm: A Brief Overview of Trauma for the Child Welfare Profession
Begin this course
This training will emphasize what the child welfare professional can do to protect the children they are working with from experiencing further trauma as a result of their experiences with investigations, foster care, etc.