HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment for Spanish speaking populations
International social work research
Undocumented families/immigration
Ethnography/qualitative research
Drug use and abuse for Latinos/as
Resilience Theory with Latino Families in an Art-Based Inquiry Project. Funded by the MSU School of Social Work and the Humanities and Arts Research Program (HARP). 2018 to present.
Sociocultural Effects on Prevention and Care for HIV: Immigrants and Transnational Migrants in the Dominican Republic. Funded by the MSU Faculty Initiative Fund. 2019-present.
Chima, E., Horner, P. (2022) Refugee Youth Identity at Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Dowa District, Malawi. Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education, Pages 1-14. DOI:
Sato, M., Horner, P., Vélez Ortiz, D., Nelson, A. (2022). The Role of Spirituality in Family Adjustment & Resilience among Puerto Rican Families Post-Hurricane Maria. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work, Vol 41, Issue 1, page 90-103.