Research Spotlight Podcast with Hyunkag Cho

April 18, 2022

Hyunkag ChoIn this installment of our Research Spotlight podcasts, Dr. Angie Kennedy talks to Dr. Hyunkag Cho about his recent study, Concurrent Intimate Partner Violence: Survivor Health and Help-Seeking.

In this study, Dr. Hyunkag Cho examined intimate partner violence polyvictimization (multiple victimization by multiple perpetrators over time) using a recent national dataset collected in 2010, National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey. He classified various polyvictimization experiences into six distinctive patterns: Sexual Violence, Psychological Aggression, Multiple Violence, Coercive Control, Physical and Psychological Violence, and Stalking.

Multiple Violence was the most common type of polyvictimization among female survivors, while Coercive Control was the most common among male survivors. Multiple Violence and Physical and Psychological Violence inflicted more negative health consequences than the other types. Intervention and prevention approaches that consider polyvictimization types as a part of survivor need assessments will improve services.

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